James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

TEST -- [ Valid Email Address For Stephen Graves - Therpist at Phoenix Counseling Center San Bernardino County Services
4 messages

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 8:47 AM
To: sgraves@phoenx.sbcounty.gov, sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov, sgraves@pcc.sbcounty.gov, sgraves@pc.sbcounty.gov
This email is a test of email addressing standardization across the sbcounty.gov domain.searching for a particular listed person by the name of Stephen Graves.

[ Business Card Attached - No Email Address Provided ]

Inline image 1

I am guessing at the name of the subdomain phoenix.sbcounty.gov or what I found on the web

Could be pc.sbccounty.or pcc.sbcounty.gov as possible sub domain pretext extensions.

There is media that I am desiring to share during my next theripist session to my
current therpist in the outcomes of my legal case and what is called a TRUST BINDING
that remains against the attorney for 30 days.  It is my intention to create a new TRUST
BINDING with therpist Steven Graves Similarly in construct.

In Anycase,.... the following memespace has been created.  This contains a single
lawyer's listed presence at the public defender's office. 
The Media of Spoken Voice Narrative of Emails of a Thank You Letter to my Attorney, his finial wisdom binding of an essay paper at @Harvard.edu, and an full email that has family
morality in question as it relates to addictions involved in my current client care --- client centered needs --- that  I would like policy therapist pathways to correct.

Let me describe an CRISIS MOMENT that happened here in this house while I was under the care of Dr. Howard Newsom PHD of Foothill Aids Project [ http://fapinfo.org ] in 2006/2007.

My mother would not allow me to escape her fortress of room enclosure.  She had trapped me in so that I could not walk around her and leave the room in a disagreement.   So, I picked up the phone to call 911.   I was serious.  I needed reprieve from her illogical thinking. My mother grabbed the phone out of my hand and placed it back onto the phone barring me from dialing 911 in crisis.  I had to get Dr. Howard Newsom to write a letter of rights allowing me to enter and exit conflicted situations and that I had the right to leave the house, leave the room, or dial 911.   That was how backward thinking my mother was back in 2006 as far as my mental status when I had not yet been dianosed with Bipolar Disorder. 

The conflicts in the house continued.   I had to escape town in order to find reprevive that I needed to find resources for mental health treatment at affordability at the time here in California.   I ended up on a suicidal road trip leaving town on September 5th 2010. 

This RoadTrip's Circumstances of Driving is Documented in the following community peace-building address directed to my Denver Housing Conflict.



You don't have permission to access / on this server.


Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 9:07 AM
To: sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 9:21 AM
To: sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov
Cc: enable@un.org, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>
and Defense Attorney Jonathan Jackson in regards to Court Authority interface may be required to enable my rights to use email to my therapist at the SbCounty.gov

We will proceed legally binding to trust.  Trust network is exactly what I offer the world but detachment of communications is a detachment of trust.  I am legally allowable

to pass this information to you via email or in written copy formats so that we can share the mentioned media links during my session with my phone mobile device.

But frankly, it is also the requirement for sbcounty.gov at phoenix to provide internet provider wifi access --- but I can and will provide that interface myself. 

Telling people what do do --- is enabling my rights as a person with two separate disabilities neither one of them prevent the use of technology tools to the supplement of

writing skills that verbal communcation skills are lacking within my social development. This is the way I communicate and must be enabled without a denial of access

directives you have already given me to not write you.   None of my writing has ever been threatening including the email then fax to Dr. Berger and office staff at

County Health Department.  

I decided to fall on my sword of opportunity to build better bridges than a jury trial.



ip navigation links Sitemap | About us | FAQs

UN Programme on Disability   Working for full participation and equality

Guiding Principles of the Convention

There are eight guiding principles that underlie the Convention and each one of its specific articles:

(a) Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons

(b) Non-discrimination

(c) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society

(d) Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity

(e) Equality of opportunity

(f) Accessibility

(g) Equality between men and women

(h) Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities



(a) Respect for inherent dignity, individual autonomy including the freedom to make one’s own choices, and independence of persons

Each person is entitled to make their own choices, and be assisted in doing so when necessary


(b) Non-discrimination

Non-discrimination is a fundamental concept of all human rights law, and is found in all human rights conventions.

Discrimination is impermissible both in direct and indirect forms. For example, it is direct discrimination for an employer to refuse to employ someone on the basis of their disability, provided that person can perform the job with reasonable accommodations provided by the employer. It is indirect discrimination, for example, if during voting for elected officials, accessible ballots are not made available for persons with visual impairments.

Society must make ‘reasonable accommodation’ for persons with disabilities. Failure to provide reasonable accommodation is a form of discrimination. Reasonable accommodation means that adjustments and modifications to the environment should be made, in order to allow persons with disabilities to exercise the same rights and freedoms as others.


(c) Full and effective participation and inclusion in society

There are different levels on which participation of persons with disabilities is addressed in the Convention:

1. Participation is a guiding principle underlying the entire Convention and its specific articles

2. Ensuring the maximum participation in all activities of persons with disabilities is an obligation of the State and of the society

3. Participation is a right which persons with disabilities have a legal right to claim

Why is participation important?

Full participation in all aspects of society is important in order to empower individuals to fulfill their potentials as citizens and contributing members of their communities.


(d) Respect for difference and acceptance of persons with disabilities as part of human diversity and humanity


(e) Equality of opportunity

(f) Accessibility

The concept of Accessibility is specifically addressed in Article 9, but it is also a guiding principle of the Convention. This Convention marks the first time that accessibility is mentioned in an international human rights instrument, and it is defined within the Convention a highly comprehensive manner.

It is not sufficient to only bestow rights to persons, but it is also necessary to ensure that persons can feasibly access and enjoy what is bestowed by these rights. Without access, rights are only theoretical.

When thinking of accessibility, one often thinks of providing ramps to buildings for wheelchair users. However, accessibility goes much further than wheelchair ramps. Society must ensure access to things such as roads, public transportation systems, pedestrian signs, public facilities (schools, hospitals & clinics, housing, workplaces), information and communication (websites, telephone systems). When one stops to think about it, one begins to realise how much of society is inaccessible to significant portions of its members.

The concept of accessibility as defined in the Convention is part of the paradigm shift that the Convention represents in the evolution of thinking of development and disability.


(g) Equality between men and women


(h) Respect for the evolving capacities of children with disabilities and respect for the right of children with disabilities to preserve their identities


My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]

Martin J. Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>Sun, Feb 25, 2018 at 9:59 AM
To: sgraves@wp.sbcounty.gov
Cc: enable@un.org, "#Jonathan.Arellano-Jackson : #Kramobone-The.Good" <JArellano-Jackson@pd.sbcounty.gov>, Michael Catron / Wave <wpeladocan@yahoo.com>

TED TALKS, Ideas Worth Spreading, Leading To Video on Addictions... to Steven Graves
Therpist at San Bernardino Country Phoenix Community Counseling,
Would you please pass this on to my Psyche Doctor in charge of my medications.  Thank you.

I may need him to prescribe for me some HIV Meds that are out of refills.   I will explain this request later.

My Intake Appointment at AHF Upland is April 3rd 2018.

Rite-Aid is on hold with a prescription request --- when an illegal denial of services actually has taken place..

But I fell on my sword, like I said.   I plead no contest to Disturbing The Peace in my case with a strict communication

requirement, for services only.  But I don't want services at Dr. Zane's HIV AIDS Clinic.  I am done re-education modes

until my interface with new Doctor Care with AIDS HEALTHCARE FOUNDATION in UPLAND. 

More on this later.

They are attempting to skirt the responsibility of keeping me connected to services to Foothill Aids Project that last Sunday

Relates to emails on record to my Defense Attorney involved in my case of "legal necessity" which I dropped in court but not
dropped in motives of corrective change. 

This will be forced upon you all.   This is not harassment and there is no threats involved in this communication or hate

Thank you,

Mr Martin Driskill,
Client, Phoenix Community Counseling
Regular Weekly Therpy Appointments have been
changed to Tuesdays at 9:30am.

Spoken Voice Narrative of this email will be made available.

Inline image 2

My Role Here in Theorpy INCLUDES

Background Image

The Best Location On The Web To Acquire This Introduction Work is at: http://community.gruwup.net Community Peace Builder -- Educator

@GruwUp.Net 2017
http://gruwup.net/@GRUWUP%202013%20Logo%20%5bborder%5d%a9.jpg http://community.gruwup.net/
Great Reasons Us Will Unite Peace

My Name Is Martin Driskill.


I am requesting that everyone now refer to me by my middle name as my primary name is reference to my peace building efforts in relation to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

I was born on September 1st 1965 in San Bernardino CA,
By given real legal given at birth is
James [ First ]  Martin [ Middle ]   Driskill [ Last ]

I was of the fetal age of 3 months when the history of race relations in the United States historical events.

Selma to Montgomery March (1965)

[Quoted text hidden]